Saturday, 11 May 2013

These Kings Must Die!

The Bible warns us of venturing into a strong man’s house to plunder it without first binding the strong man hand and foot (Matthew 12:29; Mark 3:27). It is hard to possess kingdoms whose kings are left alive. There are some territories you may never possess until the eternal mercy of God kills their kings. Once upon a time, the nation Nigeria was under the full siege of military dictatorship. Freedom came when God took away one of those military dictators in a celebrated but mysterious way. That is when military dictatorship gave way to democracy.
To free His people, God can wreck a kingdom. That is why Herod must die for the boy-King, Jesus to be announced freely. Aga had to die to give room for fresh air (1 Samuel 17:32-33). Elijah did not hear the sound of the coming abundance of rain upon the famished kingdom of Samaria until the priests of Baal, the lord of the darkness over the land, had been killed (1 Kings 18:40-41).
Until God slew king Og of Bashan and Sihon of the Amorites, their lands, though long pledged to God’s people, could not be given “for an heritage” to them.
Freedom is very expensive, and could take the unthinkable to secure. In many cases, force is needed to get what God has already given, but which for the moment lies suppressed under the hooves of the enemy. Prayer is a force, and this force is required to subdue kingdoms and remove kings.
When Joshua was in the valley fighting the Amalekites, the battle grew worse, but was later decided through the lifting up of worshiping hands. When Moses lifted up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but the Amalekites began to win when his hands were lowered (Exodus 17:1-15). Israel won the battle by simply supporting the hands of Moses in a raised form. The battle was not won by swords in human hands alone. Prayer and worship assured the victory. We need to understand that the battles we face today will be won the same way.
Knowing that most territories may never be possessed so long as their kings stay alive, it important to remember the rules and hand them over to God. Without the help of God, no king easily lets go his captives. Remember Pharaoh. Because of his stubbornness, God wasted proud Egypt for Israel to march to freedom. Your light has not been shinning in the land of your inheritance today because certain kings are sitting on your inheritance. As you call upon God today, the covenant you had with Him will be remembered and renewed, and all the kings standing on your way to breakthrough will like Herod and his colleagues be slain. God will kill them and hand over their land for a heritage to His people. This day, I declare that all the kings who stand in the path of your heritage be slain for the sake of your freedom, in Jesus’ name!

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